Sunday, June 04, 2006

Revelation 13: Russia -- is it headed for dictatorship? -- will the Antichrist come out of Russia?-- a Bible prophecy and New Age analysis

Here its a discussion of the future of Russia begun on the "Revelation 13" main page, using religion combined with numerical and New Age methods. Also discussed here is the new Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the possibility that he is the Antichrist described in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, who is also the third Antichrist of the Prophecies of Nostradamus, believed by some writers on Nostradamus to be named "Mabus". Mabus was a painter from hundreds of years ago who painted a picture of the three Kings visiting the Christ child, with one of these three Kings looking much like President Putin. So that could be the meaning of "Mabus", Mabuse painted a picture of the future Antichrist. Mabus is not the Antichrist, but rather a painter who had a vision of him hundreds of years ago. The meaning of the future Antichrist Putin, being in a painting by Mabuse, would be that he is shown giving a gift resembling a gold crown to the Christ child, as if he, a greater King (the Antichrist), is crowning the Christ Child. Note that in 2002 Putin actually was presented a multi-million $ crown of gold with jewels, and a cross on it, that is similar to the crown of Czar of Russia Peter the Great.

Its beleives that, the leader who came to power in Russia, in the spring elections in year 2000, President Putin, will eventually work miracles there, and the world will praise this Russian leader for bringing peace and stability and economic reform to Russia. And President Putin could help the U.S. in the war against terrorism, if Putin helps the U.S. defeat the terrorists who were responsible for the September 11, 2001 attack on the U.S., then the western world will praise President Putin for this. But this leader, President Putin, may become a total control type of dictator of Russia. What I am talking about here is the Antichrist, coming to power in Russia, and that Russia is the red 10-horned beast of the Bible's Book of Revelation (The 10 horns being the Confederation of Independent States, led by Russia, although there are more than 10 in it now. And this beast is starting to take a new form of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, SCO, consisting of Russia, China, and four Central Asian nations in an Anti-American alliance). The Antichrist is a Satanic imitation of Christ, and like Christ, he will appear to be the saviour of the world; this could be by President Putin helping defeat the Moslem terrorists, possibly helping bring an Israeli-Palestinian Peace Settlement,and this may also relate to President Putin helping build an asteroid defense for earth, since earth could be struck by an asteroid as predicted by Revelation 8 (possibly in 2007). Also, President Putin has helped the world economy by helping keep oil prices down, since Russia is one of the largest oil exporters. But this red 10-horned beast is an angry, dangerous beast in the Book of Revelation.The danger for the world of the chaos in Russia in the 1990s is that nuclear fallout does not know national borders, a nuclear civil war in Russia could have sent a cloud of nuclear fallout over the U.S., and in the U.S. could be living in our basements for a few weeks. Other dangers of the chaos in Russia is that they could sell their nuclear weapons to unfriendly countries (Russia is selling some of their best military equipment to Red China, including radar systems, submarines, ships, and jet planes), and also there is a danger that that they may not do proper maintenance on the nukes and missles could be launched accidently. Or terrorists could get unaccounted-for Russian nuclear weapons. Russia with thousands of nukes and anarchy is not a good situation. So President Putin, by bringing stability to Russia after the near-anarchy it saw under Gorbachev and Yeltsin, is helping bring peace and security to the world.Another image in the Book of Revelation is the woman who rides the Beast. The woman and the Beast are friends, but eventually the Beast turns on her, and she is burnt with fire. Its believed that this woman is Europe, since the symbol of Europe is the mythological Europa riding a bull, and Europe is geographically next to Russia. Russia and Europe have cooperated in economic and political matters in recent years, but the relationship could turn unfriendly over concerns about Russian stability and losses of European investments in Russia. But the Muslim countries are the beast that burns Europe with fire, possibly in 2007, the Islamic serpent in the Middle East and North Africa being a second fullfillment of the 10 horned beast, that the woman Europe rides, as I discuss on the page on Europe. It is also possible that the red 10-horned beast of the Book of Revelation could consist of Russia as the red beast, and the 10 horns could be 10 other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Also note that if Belarus combines with Russia (which has been discussed, the two countries may unify) then the shape of the countries looks a bit like a "beast" with the legs in the Caucasus and near Vladivostok, and Belarus serving as the head, on this page on New Age Geography I discuss how the shapes of countries relate to their role in history. St. Petersburg, where Putin is from, could then be the base of one of the "horns" of the beast, where the prophecies of the Book of Daniel 7:8 describe the Antichrist as a "little horn".

Note that, concerning Russian President Vladimir Putin:--
"Peten", a similar sounding word in Hebrew (the language of the Bible's Old Testament") means "cobra" -- the deadly snake. And "Vlad" in Hebrew means "infant". So, "child of the serpent" .., this cobra has a poison bite.-"Put" in Biblical reference was one of the sons of Ham, and also a country usually identified with Libya.--The Englsh name "Putt" means "dweller near a pit or pond". In Revelation 9:1 (King James version) Satan is represented as "a star fall from heaven unto earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit, and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace". The key could be the key to the nuclear weapons that Putin now possesses. --Some similar sounding words: in Spanish "puta" means "harlot", and in French "putain" means "harlot", making one think of the woman "Babylon" (that I think is Europe) that rides the red beast in Revelation 17: "and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns...And upon her forehead was a name written, "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth"--In Hindu mythology, the female demon Putana was a daughter of Bali, the Monkey King. Putana tried to murder the infant Krisna (a Hindu avatar, a Hindu type of Christ-like Messiah figure), by giving him her poisonous milk (note - Mad Cow Disease today). Krisna later destroyed Putana. Analogous to the Christ and Antichrist in the Book of Revelation.--Putin's grandfather was a cook to Lenin and Stalin, and therefore he worked in "Hell's Kitchen". Note that the "food" for Stalin was analagous to the millions of Russians he murdered. --Putin's mother was named Mariya, similar to Mary, Mother of Christ.--Putin's father served in the Russian Navy and submarine service, and note that the Antichrist in Revelation 13 rises out of the sea. Putin's father was born in Leningrad, a seaport. --Putin was born on Oct. 7 1952 in Leningrad, near the time of the first U.S. Hydrogen Bomb test on Nov. 1, 1952. Note that Leningrad is on the ocean, and the Antichrist rises out of the sea in Revelation 13. And Julian Year 6666 is 1953; Julian time is used in astronomy and science and counts days from Jan. 1, 4713 B. C.; and note that 666 is the number of the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation. Also note:1952 = 13/.00666 (13: Revelation 13)Note that Heinrich Himmler was born on this same day of the year, Oct. 7, 1900. Himmler was in charge of the Gestapo, Hitler's secret police, and Hitler's second-in-command. Note that Putin was in the KGB, the Soviet secret police and intelligence agency. Could the KGB be a "cage" that Satan is released from, as in Revelation 20:7 where Satan is released from prison. And also note that Leningrad where Putin was born is .666 of the distance from the Equator to the North Pole.-- Jan. 7 1952 was Russian Orthodox Christmas, so Christmas Day in Russia. Note that this was a possible day of conception for President Putin, who was born exactly 9 months later. Being conceived on Christmas is another indication of Putin being the Antichrist. --Putin was based in Dresden East Germany during his KGB career. Note historically significant concerning Dresden was that allied bombing during World War 2 resulted in the firestorm of Dresden resulting in over 100,000 deaths there, think of it as the "fires of Hell" were seen in Dresden during WW2, which could relate symbolically here to Satan coming out of the "fires of Hell". Putin has a strong connection to Germany as well as Russia (see the "iron" and "clay" discussion on this page.)--He became Prime Minister for Yeltsin at the time (Aug. 9 1999) of the Aug. 11 solar eclipse and Aug. 18 Grand Cross Astrology pattern in August 1999 that I have connected with the rise of the Antchrist.--He became acting President of Russia as Yeltsin resigned as the new Millennium began on 12/31/99.--He was inaugurated as President on May 7, 2000, 2 days after the May 5, 2000 unusual planetary aligment of the sun, moon, and 5 planets in a row. This could be the real significance of the 5/5/2000 alignment, the rise to power of the Antichrist. Note that this was 9 months after Aug. 9 1999 when he became Russia's Prime Minister. Think of this 9 months as a woman (Mother Russia or Europa) in pregnancy, giving birth to the evil one, as a red dragon is seen (the Russian 10 horned beast). Also note the celestial sign of the Astrology Grand Cross and Solar Eclipse in August 1999, and the May 5 2000 planetary alignment, agrees with this Revelation 12 passage, of a sign in heaven and a woman giving birth (King James Version):"12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne."

--The Antichrist in Revelation 13 is like a leopard. A leopard is a killer cat noted for its great speed. Note that Putin is a Judo champion, this being a sport requiring speed. In Judo you strike quickly, before the opponent sees you coming, and you try to knock him out before he has a chance to fight back. The interest in this sport may be an indication of Putin's cat-like "killer instinct" that he is also starting to show in politics. He may be one who strikes quickly, to knock out the opponent with a powerful first strike. -- Note the similarity of "Putin" to "Rasputin", Rasputin being the strange prophet-healer who put the last Russian Czar's wife under his spell, and therefore contributed to the public unrest that eventually resulted in the fall of the Russian monarchy and the Communists coming to power. Rasputin could symbolically stand for "Ra put in", Ra being the Egyptian Sun god who was thought by them to be the creator of light and of the world, and who was represented by the pharoah. Also note how the largest ever flare from the sun occurred on Nov. 4 2003 when Putin visited Rome. . Remember, "Satan comes as an angel of light". Also, Ra was sometimes depicted as having the sun as his eye, this could relate to Putin being said to have very menacing eyes, similar to Hitler being able to hypnotize people with his strange eyes (in Hitler's case his eyes were almost white). Also note that "peten" (similar to Putin) in Hebrew means "cobra", and Ra was depicted as having a falcon head, with the sun disk and a cobra.

1)The deadly egyptian cobra(National zoo,Washington D.C)
2)Russia Map


Blogger indianadoc said...

Sharat,did u do this analysis? It is amazing...but too I have to comeback to have a second enjoy blogging!

2:51 AM  

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